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Florida Homeschooling... Evaluations and More |
A good evaluator works for the parents, assisting them in meeting legal requirements and in supporting them when districts overstep their bounds." |
Even at the high school level, parents can direct their student's homeschool program and can choose to use published curriculum of their choice or can choose to use materials and/or methods that weren't necessarily designed to be curriculum. Below are just a few of the many options available.
See https://www.flhomeschoolevaluations.com/curriculum.html for more suggestions.
Teens (especially) Not Motivated to Learn and/or Not Cooperating with Homeschooling?
Re: Reported issue in Lee County
I have been informed that Lee County's home education department is not following Florida law in regard to letters of intent to start Home Education--That they have told some families that they cannot remove their children from a public school to start homeschooling until the marking period is over and grades are posted. This is not in line with Florida law, which specifically states that the letter of intent is to be immediately recorded once it is sent.
The Florida Dept of Education is looking for input from parents and others, including homeschooling parents, on how to reduce regulation of public schools.
See the notice below:
The newly expanded FTC scholarship Student Learning Plans Via the school choice bill that passed a few weeks ago, the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship will give government funding to parents that can be used for a new homeschooling option called the Personalized Education Program (or PEP). The scholarship will be open for 20,000 more students this coming school year and 40,000 more the next year, and more the next year. The scholarship will offer serious money that will vary depending on the school district and grade level of the student ![]() There is no "best" curriculum, even when it comes to online curriculum, because children are not all the same--what works well for one student may be a disaster for another. This list includes a variety of options that, based on our experience, are popular with homeschool families. (Being included on our list does not imply our endorsement of any.) Note that new options are popping up all the time but some are scams so vet them carefully before spending money on them.
A: A couple of decades ago, one child greatly affected my views on teaching children to read. This boy was about 8 or maybe 9 years old when his parents brought him to the tutoring company where I then worked as a full-time tutor. An important update from Brenda Dickenson the President of FLHEF regarding HB1.
Every time I meet a classroom teacher, or a homeschooling parent who was previously a classroom or was trained as a teacher, and we start to chat about teaching, they have so many horror stories to share. Almost always those of them who aren't homeschooling their own school-age children, express the wish that they could. I, too, have my own horror stories to share Faith-based curriculum options can be found for a variety of options. Hindu specific resources include: Florida law does NOT require any particular curriculum. Homeschool parents do not have to use public school materials. Parents may use any materials at any levels that work for their children. Materials do not even have to be textbooks or workbooks but can be websites, apps, ordinary books (sometimes called living books), magazines, graphic novels, or whatever works to help your children learn. Note that there’s no such thing as accredited curriculum; there are accredited programs that offer curriculum, but there’s no need to use them. Even in high school, feel free to use any materials that work for your children. You can adjust levels without permission from anyone or change materials if one isn’t the fit you thought it would be. Where do you find curriculum? There are many available sources these days. Many buy from online sites--whether directly from publishers, or general book sales sites, or sites specifically geared to homeschool materials. There are Facebook groups specifically for selling homeschool curriculum, eBay.com, Amazon.com, and more. Some homeschool groups and homeschool conventions often sell curriculum. Used curriculum can save your budget. There are free materials available online or through a local public library and some schools or school districts offer free materials if you use the magic words "off-adoption materials" when asking. How to choose? My suggestion is to proceed slowly and carefully |
February 2025