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Florida Homeschooling... Evaluations and More |
A good evaluator works for the parents, assisting them in meeting legal requirements and in supporting them when districts overstep their bounds." |
Portfolio Review/Audit: What Should We Expect if the District Audits our Portfolio?
Contact us through this site FLHomeschoolEvaluations.com
Or email us at [email protected] Or call 561.798.3842 (Leave a voice message if we can't get to you.) Cheryl Trzasko Going to School After Homeschooling What should be done if you were home educating but you want (or need) to send your child to school? Legally, you have to send the school district a Letter of Termination to tell them officially that you are done homeschooling your child. This should be sent within 30 days of finishing your homeschooling. If you plan to put your child in a school in the fall but finish out this year homeschooling, Q: I'm putting my child in school in January. We haven't homeschooled her for a year yet. Since it's been less than a year do I need to turn in an evaluation? ---- A: Per Florida law, an evaluation is due once a year (by the anniversary of your letter of intent) OR within 30 days of sending in a Letter of Termination to tell the school district that you are done home educating your child. ![]() Q: I just got a message from my school district saying I missed my evaluation deadline and they are taking my kids off their homeschool roster. Can they do that? They never sent a reminder this year, so I thought they were skipping evaluations because of social distancing and such. --- A: Florida law requires an evaluation once a year Sending in a letter of intent, evaluation, or other paperwork?
From Cheryl Bottini, the Palm Beach County Home Education Liaison—the one who handles home education paperwork for the Palm Beach County School District:
“We are several weeks behind in responding to emails. This is a first for us. We have always been proud to have at Q: My son is not done with his curriculum and won't be done by his deadline. Can I get an extension? Change his deadline somehow? Should I turn the evaluation in late? I'm panicking. Can you help?
--- Quick answer:
No appointment needed. Take photos or scans of a few parts of the portfolio (a bit of the beginning and a bit of the end for each subject covered) and email them to us. (Or send screen shots or share documents or however it works better for you.) Send a bit of the log of educational activities, a few titles of reading materials (at least two), and some samples of work. Finish with a brief phone call; one of us will chat very briefly with the student. Then we'll send documents via email. ======== Q: What is a portfolio review? ---- A: Florida home education law gives parents 5 options for their child’s annual evaluation. While many people think of a test... Q: Who decides when a homeschooled child moves on to the next grade? Is it after the evaluation?
--- A: You, the parent, decide what level of materials the child uses. Honestly, you'll find lots of jokes on the internet about homeschooled kids who don't know their grade level. Why? Because grade levels aren't really important when homeschooling--not like they are for schooled kids. In fact, Q: I'm moving out of the state. I know I have to send in a letter of termination, but if my child's evaluation isn't due yet, do I have to have one done? --------- A: UPDATED: Florida law changed on this in 2018. Effective July 1, 2018, an evaluation is required within 30 days of sending in a Letter of Termination telling the county that you are done home educating your child in their county. Q: My evaluation deadline is Jan. 4, but the school district says I have until Jan. 31. When is the evaluation really due?
---- A: The Florida Dept. of Education's Office of Choice (the FL government office that oversees education outside of standard public schools) states that the evaluation is due each year on the anniversary of the letter of intent. Evaluation Tale 002:
Two extremes cases of missed evaluation deadlines 1. Missed it by a lot A mom contacted me because she needed an evaluation done. Well, several actually. Her many children had not had evaluations the past year. Nor the year before that. Nor the one before that. Nor even the one before that. And she needed to fix this. She hinted that she might be facing legal problems if she didn’t get it taken care of, though she didn't go into details. |
February 2025