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A good evaluator works for the parents, assisting them in meeting legal requirements and in supporting them when districts overstep their bounds." |
Some people want options that are secular, but definitions of what secular means vary. To some, secular simply means that it isn't faith-based and doesn't involve religion, but is neutral when it comes to a stance on the origins of the world and doesn't come from any particular religious viewpoint. These options may be used not only by those without a faith, but by those who have a strong faith but don't want curriculum that might teach another viewpoint. To others, secular is more than that
There are may great faith-based curricula which combine typical educational subjects such as reading, history, science, language arts, math, and more with faith--or at the very least don't undermine faith while teaching those other subjects. Many faith-based homeschoolers choose such materials. Even some who aren't Christian prefer the more traditional values that are usually present in faith-based materials. Here are links to help you find a variety of Christian options: While there are many Christian homeschool curricula available, there are some specifically geared to Catholic families. These links may help Catholic families: Looking for faith-based information? Here is a source that links to a few sites for homeschoolers who are Buddhist: There are many faith-based curricula available. Here are links to some options for Jewish families or those wanting to learn about Judaism: Sometimes people get the idea that faith-based curriculum must be Christian, but there are many faith-based curricula out there. These links might help those who are Muslim or want to learn more about Muslim faith and culture: Tips for Homeschooling Teens
intent on fighting their parents at every turn. Even teens who were previously wonderful darlings who readily went along with all the educational plans put in front of them, may now balk at their parents' plans. That's normal. It's part of how teens push to develop their own identity and get mentally and emotionally ready for a life on their own. But at the same time, parents want their teens to be on track to do well as adults, to be prepared for college or careers or trade school or whatever life holds for them. Here are some ways to move past these attitudes and successfully homeschool a teen. Q: What if my child is behind in math? I don't want to deschool and have my child get further behind. How does deschooling work for kids who are behind already? --- A: Education is a journey. It's more like a marathon than a sprint. You have time. You have to realize that you have a few years to get this done and starting out right will help you get to the finish line with your children. One year, as a classroom teacher, I taught seventh graders who were almost all behind.
We have reviews posted on our Facebook pages: Our public page at
Facebook.com/FLHomeschoolEvaluations.com and our private support group page at Facebook.com/groups/homeschoolingfl Or feel free to add a comment here if you prefer. Cheryl & Mark Trzasko FLHomeschoolEvaluations.com
Homeschooling High School
Bright Futures is a college scholarship funded by the state of Florida using a portion of the money collected from Florida's lottery. Using some of the money for college was part of how legislators got enough to agree to have a lottery decades ago. The scholarship was also part of an effort to end Florida's "brain drain" caused by so many Florida students leaving for colleges out of state and then never returning. Homeschool students are eligible for this scholarship--
Portfolio Review/Audit: What Should We Expect if the District Audits our Portfolio?
February 2025