The Evaluation with Extra Support form (below) is meant to be used to start the evaluation process, months in advance, after you have started keeping at least a few records of your child's learning. You'll show the records to us and we'll let you know if anything further is needed at that You could start with as little as records for one day of learning if it includes a little bit of a log of educational activities, at least 2 titles of reading materials, and at least a couple of samples of work.
Then we'll let you know if your records meet state law or whether we need further information. You can ask questions, if needed. We'll expect further information to be sent a few months later to help us see that progress has been made. The evaluation(s) will be finished with a brief phone call closer to your evaluation deadline. Cheryl A confirmation message will be received when your information has been submitted. Contact us using the options below if you have any questions. Not sure what to include?
Fill in the form as much as you can. Be sure to include the child's name and date of birth, address, a parent's name, a parent's email address and phone number. Ask for help; we'll help you figure the other details. Q: What if we don't use curriculum? What if we unschool and don't use textbooks or workbooks? --- A: Florida law does not prescribe nor prohibit the use of certain methods or materials. You can use any that help your child learn and make educational progress commensurate with ability. You still need to keep documentation. Your Log of Educational Activities could be a calendar with notes or a blog or a Facebook or Instagram page or any other media that helps you show off what your child is learning. The titles of reading materials can be library books, comics, stories, articles, magazines, websites, apps, or anything else that can be read. Samples of work can be photos or scans of work generated by the child or of materials used by the child. Send what you can to start. I can help you figure out what else you need after I review what you've sent. Together we can make sure there are no issues later in the year with record-keeping. Need more in-depth live help? We can set up a consultation if needed. Cheryl Trzasko |
The evaluation with extra support option allows a parent to begin the evaluation process 2-12 months in advance and get an early review of the portfolio and extra support months before an evaluation is actually due. (Not available May-Sept.) Steps: (1) Complete the Evaluation with Support form.
(2) Confirmation will be sent; usually within one week. We will note if additional information is required.
(3) Your materials with be reviewed now; you'll be notified of any shortcomings in the paperwork and additional questions may be answered. (4) During the year, additional samples of work (and perhaps new titles of reading materials or a bit of a Log of Educational Activities) can be submitted directly via email. (5) Contact us with questions if needed. (6) About 3-5 weeks before your evaluation deadline, we will call for a brief chat with the child(ren) and finalize the evaluation. (Let us know if the evaluation is required earlier; often we can do the evaluation within a business day if it was set up earlier in the year.) (7)We send documentation to you, the parent, with directions for filing with school district as required by Florida law. Be sure to submit